Introduction to Multi-Object Tracking (MOT)

By Rahmad Sadli, December 18, 2023

Multi-Object Tracking

Multi-Object Tracking (MOT) is an essential task in computer vision that involves tracking multiple objects in both recorded videos and real-time live-streaming scenarios. As a longstanding goal in computer vision and machine learning, MOT is becoming increasingly important and widely applied in various fields, including autonomous driving, traffic monitoring and flow counting, and many more. MOT plays a crucial role in autonomous driving. Its primary function involves tracking the trajectories…

Non-Maximum Suppression in PyTorch: How to Select the Correct Bounding Box

By Rahmad Sadli, November 26, 2023

In certain scenarios, object detection algorithms such as YOLO, Faster R-CNN, and SSD may generate redundant and overlapping bounding boxes. Therefore, to ensure accurate detection results and retain only the most confident ones, it is crucial to implement a mechanism capable of identifying and selecting the most appropriate bounding boxes while discarding the overlapping ones. To achieve this objective, we can use a method called Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS), a post-processing…
